Monday, March 3, 2008


Well personally, I don't really care whether or not we have a snowday tomorrow. But, I can sya this much, if we get one tomorrow and then we have another one before easter, I will be extremely pissed.

caps vs. Bruins

The caps are beatin down on the bruins right now. 6-0 after the first 9-2 in the third...its a bad day to be a bruin.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Death in the family

On the way to church today, I received some devestating news from my well, self, as I managed to slide my car down a good 20 foot hill and into a tree. The bad news? My beloved little piece of shit has finally come to meet its match as the tree, icy road, enormous snow bank, and steep hill were just too much for it to handle. Death was clearly emminent upon the poor beasts fatal future. Sure, the car did get rescued (AKA towed) up from the hill, but unfortuanately, the tree and the snowbank managed to practically rip off the muffler and bang up the trunk somehow more than it already was. The feeling, however, I must say, is incredible. Of coursegoing down a hill which you know is filled with trees is scary, but it's fun as hell too. I mean theres nothing you can do about it once you're headed down it so you might as well enjoy the ride right? Of course! But of course one must find the positive aspects to everything he/she can and in this case, I will be getting a new car...

Thursday, February 28, 2008


My "car" is finally getting fixed. Goes into the shop tomorrow morning with the hopes of coming out and sounding a little less like "a tank rolling down the street" as officer Mitchell put it. Granted it will still look like hell, but at least you won't be able to hear me coming from (literally) a mile away.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The dollar store

The dollar store is the greatest place in the world for finding random items. Whenever you need a gift for someone you either A) don't care about or B) know has an incredibly great and/or weird sense of humor, the dollar store is the place to shop. They have everything from cutlery to frozen TV dinners and dog food. And everythin is only a buck! Now for my own personal use, I would almost never shop there...but in the event that I was just straight cheapassing it, I might give it a whirl. I mean the dollar stor is pretty much wal-mart minus all the normal things and prices even more rolled back (and the huge smiley face has been replaced by a christmas tree.)

Monday, February 25, 2008

First Day Back

School currently blows. Long day on the first back...but thats to be expected right? After such a long vacation though, ever notice that your brain just refuses to function? I suppose that just means its time for a long winters nap...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bus trips

Who doesn't love a good bus trip? Yesterday we had 2 games in buffalo and so we got to take the beloved bus. SOOOOOO much better than driving individually. Equipped with TV's playing the likes of Mr. Woodcock and slap shot, the bus is freakin sweet. With a bathroom fully capable of locking other teammates in it for up to half an hour at a time, the bus is sweet.