Thursday, February 28, 2008


My "car" is finally getting fixed. Goes into the shop tomorrow morning with the hopes of coming out and sounding a little less like "a tank rolling down the street" as officer Mitchell put it. Granted it will still look like hell, but at least you won't be able to hear me coming from (literally) a mile away.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The dollar store

The dollar store is the greatest place in the world for finding random items. Whenever you need a gift for someone you either A) don't care about or B) know has an incredibly great and/or weird sense of humor, the dollar store is the place to shop. They have everything from cutlery to frozen TV dinners and dog food. And everythin is only a buck! Now for my own personal use, I would almost never shop there...but in the event that I was just straight cheapassing it, I might give it a whirl. I mean the dollar stor is pretty much wal-mart minus all the normal things and prices even more rolled back (and the huge smiley face has been replaced by a christmas tree.)

Monday, February 25, 2008

First Day Back

School currently blows. Long day on the first back...but thats to be expected right? After such a long vacation though, ever notice that your brain just refuses to function? I suppose that just means its time for a long winters nap...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bus trips

Who doesn't love a good bus trip? Yesterday we had 2 games in buffalo and so we got to take the beloved bus. SOOOOOO much better than driving individually. Equipped with TV's playing the likes of Mr. Woodcock and slap shot, the bus is freakin sweet. With a bathroom fully capable of locking other teammates in it for up to half an hour at a time, the bus is sweet.


I love goig to grandmas. Whenever you're here, all you do is eat and play games. And eat good food at that. I LOVE it. Like what else can beat country fried chicken and a sweet game of risk? Nothing.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Well hats off to CV for taking down Vestal tonight. Wow I really hate those pricks so it's a good thing that someone was finally able to take care of them. Good luck against JC.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Contest of a lifetime

Currently, we're getting stomped. Frank the tank (as some of you may know him) is another fellow subway employee. Unfortuantely, he works at a different subway that is owned by the same owner as the glorious vestal parkway subway. In the battle of the double meats (a contest to see which store can sell the most double meat sandwiches) Franks' store has been kickin our asses. STOP BUYING DOUBLE MEAT SUBS FROM FRANK. And be sure to try a delicious new BBQ beef brisket.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Break is grade A fabulous. Time to unwind, relax, watch a movie or two and even make a few bucks. With this lack of homework, I've managed to find time to do some of the pointless things I'd never even think to do before. 8 bags of McDonalds/Burger King garbage have been removed from my (well what some may call) car, I have found a pair of shoes once thought to have gone missing, and even managed to be nice to my brother. So basically, Vacation rocks and will be done far, far too soon.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Today I became that kid. The one kid who when you look to check your AP physics grade, you notice has a 100 and think (In thought bubble)"Wow, I really hate you." Yes, by some stroke of God or pure and utter luck, Anthony Cipoletti officially has a 100 in AP physics. For the moment anyways.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


I was actually quite pleased today with valentines day. I expected to come to school and find continuos "mackin" in the halls today but came to find a rather more tastefull valentines day. A lackin of mackin in the school vicinity is definately a good thing...anyone else agree?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Valentines day is a great time to show your love...or come see a hockey game. BCC 6:30 UE vs. ME playoffs.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Anyone else see this crazy play?

wear neckguards.